every time i get trully thristy and reach for a drink, all i do is recoil at a mouth full of sand. i walk, work, sleep, play, run, and ride, but am i really living?
i walk, but don't move.
i run, but the scenery never changes.
i work, but i never finish.
i can feel the grit between my teeth...
i need some water.
i walk, but don't move.
i run, but the scenery never changes.
i work, but i never finish.
i can feel the grit between my teeth...
i need some water.
MN is the land of 10,000 lakes buddy! Plenty of water to go around.
I second what nick said. The cup of over flowing water is here. Minny is the place to be.
um, i'm pretty sure we have MN beat...come to the emerald city jevin!
Um.... Not so sure about Seattle. jev you need fresh water and I'm sure we have more of that.
You don't need water my friend, you need fresh powder. Breck is opening a new quad on top of peak 8. Hold out until January and you should be golden.
jev! we have fresh water, the ocean...and whistler just got pounded! besides, you can come hang out at school and get all the r.o. water you want and all the ayruvedic goodness a parched pallete could ask for ;o)
Sounds like you are a pretty deep well. Praise the Lord you don't have to fill it.
man o man, all these places sound stinkin awesome! i think what ill do is cut off a finger for every place, send it to you, then you can cryogenically freeze it for me for a couple months, mail it back to me, and ill have it sewn back on, all the while enjoy the best of all places osmossically... did i just make a word up?
i think you mean osmotically
thank you!
Hey Jev - did you hear that I am leaving YouthWorks??? I accepted a position at the University of Minnesota as a Writer/Editor in the Academic Health Center. I can take free classes and everything. You should come home... :)
I don't think that jev is looking for literal water... what i thing he is really getting at is the repetitiveness of his daily grind, not to mention his perpose in his current situation. We all look for that and it cant necessarily be found in a place but rather a state of mind. Psalms talks repetition of our lives, the continual seasons, the pouring in and pouring out of the tides, life and death and how we go through our lives often times not knowing who or why we are here. Take a look at your goals we all struggle to know where we are supposed to be but ultimately you wont be where you want to be until you are where your supposed to be in accordance to a greater plan.
holy crap gerlach, you are one deep mother! love you baby!
I second Jev's holy crap! John well written.
Thank you JG for the insight, you have changed my life.
Anyway, remember when Jev would update his blog more then once every two months?
Dear Mark,
Cut the boy some slack. He is a busy guy who does lots of important stuff. Besides, even if he didn't Jev's life isn't for our amusement. He will blog when he is ready, won't ya Jevvy?
thanks will for the correction. I feel so horrible.
Sorry Will you are wrong... Mark has the right idea, Jev has always been for our amusement, Dance monkey! Your a circus monkey! Dance! Oh wait that was Ben Stiller in that movie Zoolander... I always get Jev and Ben Stiller confused, they are both so good looking and witty.
Stay tuned Gerlach is about to develop a blog that highlights his live in San Francisco... yeah that means lots of pictures of all my boyfriends!
Hurry!!!!!! Gerloch. I can't wait to start reading your blog.
John you are correct once again. Mark I am sorry for my remarks Jev is our monkey. Jonathan's Jev-Ben Stiller distinction seems to be one in name only. So his reference to Zoolander is probably right, which make you right.
Anonymously sorry,
P.S.: that Jonny G is so hot right now.
I have changed the site for my blog...it is now stinkinawesome.blogspot.com thank you for your cooooperation in this matter
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