you are looking at the newest member of the home and garden department at home depot on woodmen and academy in colorado springs! you know who to call if you need a plant! i only hope that i can affect a positive change in this 'man' as a new employee. i will try to get you frequent updates on if and wether HD is any more responsible than it's wal-competitor.
i think i will start by coming into work with a garbage bag diaper, as tim suggested... that'll really stick it to the man!
i think i will start by coming into work with a garbage bag diaper, as tim suggested... that'll really stick it to the man!
Yes Jev, the diaper will be all kinds of sticky, perhaps not all positive and anti-man.
Congrats on the job. I can hear the theme song now.
According to markisawesome.blogsomethingarather.blahblahblah he hates you. You and your Home Depot kind. So it looks like you guys aren't going to be friends soon huh.
P.S.: all comments that I made on Mark's sight stick, thus your a fourteen year old boy (by analogy).
P.P.S: Mark's post was Monday, January 17, 2005.
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