Friday, June 02, 2006

Wo Ai Ni...

well, sorry it has been so long since my last post...

i really have no excuse.

i'm just a bad person i guess.

let's see... what's new? um, this august i am going to start teaching ESL...


yeah. i'm going to China. for a year.

and man i am excited. in fact, chances are, most of you that read this are going to get a support letter and updates via snail mail anyway, so this might be redundant, but, what are ya gunna do?

i think the thing that excites me the most about this opportunity is that i feel like this is the springboard into the next 20, 30, or more years. for a lot of my friends lately, this same springboard has come in the form of marriage or grad school, or thier first big job and move, which is great! just not my thing. i mean, i can't get a woman to marry me for anything anyway...

oh yeah, p.s., one of my x's is getting married tomorrow; Joy.


anywho, like i was saying before, i haven't been this excited about something a while, so... LET'S GET IT ON CHINA!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo china!! Way to take life by the bizznalls, big guy! I hope I didn't steal any of your thunder by prognosticating your trip in the comments of your previous blog entry (would that be "blognosticating"? HA!).

Really though, good for you. How is your mandarin these days? Make sure you at least know the words for beer, drugs, and hookers.

I can't believe Joy didn't invite me to the wedding, BTW - what happened to BFF? More like BFUIDJ (best friends until i dump jev) i guess... just remember: even if she was one in a million, that means there are about 1300 Joys where you're going! :)


1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moon, those were some excellent words of encouragement!

Jev, I can't wait to get your support letter. If I can't give you real money I will give you my Monopoly money, which is just as good I think. Plus, I can help you with you translating skills! I am quite versed in English so if you have any questions like what does "I go" mean I can help. "I go" in English means "I go". So there you go. Pass any queries along and I will do what I can. God bless.


2:33 PM  
Blogger JoAnne Markov said...

Weird. Living at the Glen, I can't seem to remember you ever dating anyone. Maybe that's your problem. Ask a few girls out. Though, perhaps not your students.

Seriously, best of luck Mr. ESL man. And if you want money, you'd better get around to sending a letter - email me if you need an address.


8:22 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

I will look forward to your support letter as well...unfortunately a letter will not be enough. You're not gettin a dime outta me until you grovel at my feet and give me little foot butterfly kisses. Your poorness will facilitate my fetish needs.

6:35 AM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

oh man! i love you friends! you all are so supportive! m00n: i know! how tacky! i'm diffinatele inviting her to mine... as the clown to entertain the kiddies at the huge after-party with puffy! Will:thanks for the english help my friend! i think i finally understand 'i go,' but i'm still a little hazy on 'i have.' some help please?!? jonny: you are very mistaken and confused... i never claimed to be gay, per se... i said i was gay for YOU... that's a completely different thing altogether... JO: hope all is well on the other side of the country! oh, you'll get a letter alright my Yale friend... with an alma mater like that, you are surely getting a letter! j/k, say hi to onu for us if you see him... that black bastard! and Nick... i am both highly amused an apalled by your words... that is all. i love you all!

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of your ex-girlfriend's wedding, jev... what's sad is that you won't be at mark's and my wedding. bummer.

congrats on getting to go to china though! shelly

12:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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1:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

what i meant to say was, i hope you see lots of stuff like this on your journey -- and i hope the neti pot is serving you well! ;o)

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet, Jev!
I've never been to China. Since you're not coming to Norway, maybe I should drop by next year and say hi!

I met Solveig, one of the Norwegian girls you met at the Glen, for the first time this weekend.
We talked crap about you...
Once again I realised how much I miss you (in a stricktly heterosexual way...)

7:52 AM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

oh Ole! you sweet heart! i miss you too big fella! hey, i found something for you and i wanna send it via snail mail... can you email me your address?

p.s. spaulding and i talk crap about you daily... so eat that!

10:21 AM  

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