Thursday, December 30, 2004


i've never concidered myself particularly style-conscious. in fact, the only vogue part of my closet is a pair of slacks my friend k.c. bought for me for my birthday... and i don't really get much of chance to wear them anyway 'cuz they're too nice and all i would do is get dirt or motor oil on 'em anyway...

usually i stick to a t-shirt (i own 4 white and 4 blue pairs) and jeans (i own one pair) and my previously blogged about five dollar thrift-store shoes i found at good will... unfortunately what see as simplicity, others see as passé and antiquated, and for that i am chastized.

yes! i wear white socks with my leather dress shoes. yes! i wear my shirts until they are shredded, yes! i wear the same jeans everyday. yes! collared shirts make me feel like the life is being choked out of me... SORRY! i can, on the other hand, fit all of my clothing into one large tupperware container and pack the back of my suburu wagon with everything i own, even my bed, all with room to spare... and i know plenty of girls that find that to be very attractive... at least, that's what i tell myself.

anyway, i digress. the point of all this raving was to let those who have been and still are concerned with my chic-ness know that you can finally stop worrying... i found out this morning that i am, in fact, very style-minded and dapper.


my shirt, and socks, AND boxer-briefs all were color-matched today...


jev 1 - calvin klein 0


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you get a T-shirt to "pair" -- did something transpire on Noah's Ark that I missed?! Jan Forever

1:03 AM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

yeah, didn't you know? my blue ones have been having 'maritals' with my white ones for years...

10:12 AM  
Blogger Dark Mother Studios said...

Well, judging from your picture, even if I hadn't been drunk, I'd have given you a New Year's kiss.

Even if you are a Libra.

Libras drive me bonkers.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

YEAH! frickin' right on! thanks babe!

12:53 PM  
Blogger Dark Mother Studios said...

RYN: I was pretty much saying that I won't settle. And that Fate pisses me off because whenever I want something, what I want never wants me in return, but I always get handed some sort of booby prize home version of what Fate thinks I should have, which (I'm great at identifying them beforehand) is always some jackass loser who thinks he's god's gift to women when really he's just a jackass loser.

So then I'm stuck, alone again, not having what I want and abhoring the alternative in most cases.

I know I'm cool. That's why I can't compromise and settle for a jerk when I know the art geeks are better.
They're just painfully shy and completely oblivious.

And that angers me.
Because I hear Fate laughing at me all the time.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

yeah, totally. i mean, i completely got that out of your post. i was trying to affirm you in your 'not settling' policy. the bs thing i was refering to was the way you just tear into yourself emotionally and relationally without mercy. i mean, i know we all struggle with low self esteem, i feel as though i am the chief of sinners in that dept., but i was simply trying to relate that i don't think you are 'undatable/unlovable' as you might think... at least i don't see you that way... that's all. and again, i'm totally there with you on the balzless geek thing.. heck, i'm one of em. i don't think i always was... but i definately am now. i think it's cuz i took a lot of rejection in high school... that probably didn't help... anyway, the point is that... ah... i dunno. i forget already. buck up? maybe? that may have been it... yeah. buck up.

3:31 PM  

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