Saturday, December 11, 2004


just recently, a friend of mine and i spoke about the sad current state of affairs of christianity, especially christian book stores. what is it we find when we visit the friendly local christian book store? we find items like this...

is this what God wants us to spend our money on? huh? this and food for the poor? this and bibles? what? at first i was ammused by this little piece of iced-out bling. but the more i think about the poignant irony of this feckless and vain object, the more pained and perturbed i become.

gah! i feel like i'm on crazy pills! are mark ( and i the only ones who see the incongruity at work here? the fact that this is even on sale in a 'christian' bookstore is absurd! it's as ludicrous as if the president of p.e.t.a. were to decree that every sign hence-forth declairing the sanctity and basic rights of animals were to no longer written in ink, but instead in kitten and puppy blood. people! think of the kittens and puppies!

christians! c'mon! sheesh... there's nothin' that gets me more peppery than christian's idiocy sometimes...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the Reformation iconoclasm (meaning "to break an image" [or "to smash Christian bling"]) was a time of great fun to be had by all (particularly Protestants). For who wouldn't like to go about smashing things? Recognizing the great terror of worshiping images and pictoral representations of the worship of God, men and women took it into their own hands to destroy such wretched man-made works that defiled the holiness of God (should we do the same?). Though there may be something to say about "art", and it is sad that there was some wonderful art destroyed during this time, we must be careful (the picture here shown not counting as any kind of art at all). Not only are there fiscal ramifications for such purchaces and sales, let us not ignore the intense spiritual problems to be had by all. Calvin tells us that "whatever men learn of God from images is futile, indeed false." And that "the prophets set images over against the true God as contraries that can never agree." Not only does this object shown teach us nothing about what it is to be "anoited", it leads us in false directions. Why has this happened? Calvin boldly claims, "Indeed, those in authority in the church turned over to idols the office of teaching for no other reason than that they themelves were mute. Christ died on the cross to bear our curse [Gal. 3:13], to expiate our sins by the sacrifice of his body [Heb. 10:10], to wash them by his blood [Rev. 1:5], in short to reconcile us to God the Father [Rom. 5:10]. From this one fact they could have learned more than from a thousand crosses of wood or stone. For perhaps the covetous fix their minds and eyes more tenaciously upon gold and silver than upon any word of God."

10:58 AM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

indeed shawna. thank you for your both insightful and doctrinal comment. it does seem that this neo-golden calf looks has much the same face as the old, only with a new hair cut. it is good that there are other iconiclasts out there like yourself who realize fallicy when you see it, and to rage agaist the lemming attitude of the protestant christian masses! keep fighting the man!

11:36 AM  

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