Saturday, December 04, 2004

Mmmm, nice...

man, it was nice here today! 50's and not a cloud in the sky. i road my bike around the garden today for about 2 hours... until my tire popped, and i had to walk home 3 miles... but other than that, today was beautiful. i think if i had a girl, i would take her out tonight. we'd get all dressed up, i'd put on the one pair of dress slacks i own, and she would put on her favorite dress (girls seem to not like dresses anymore, but i like 'em.) we'd go somewhere fancy, eat 'till we've had our fill... then, of course, we would order desert. something with a lot of chocolate in it.

after dinner, she'd put on the blindfold i had in my car, 'cuz where we were going was a suprise. we'd drive down near buena vista, and i'd find my secret road that takes us to the back side of mt. harvard, only, i probably would pass it at first 'cuz it's dark out. i'd help her out of the car and she would jump on my shoulders and i'd piggy-back her (she'd be barefoot, she says she just likes it better that way) to a campsite a quarter mile away, just far enough off the trail where you can see anyone who happened on the path, but they can't see you. she'd take her blindfold off just in time to see the moon rise over the top of harvard's jagged peak. she'd turn to me, smiling, eyes wide, and kiss me on the cheek. she'd watch the shadows formed by clouds play off the dark and steep crag miles in front of us, and i'd watch the shadows formed by the leafless aspens play off her soft and gentle face. we wouldn't talk. we wouldn't have to. we would simply be happy knowing we were near one another, and that God made this night for us to enjoy, together.

she'd fall asleep on the drive back home, head sweetly pitched toward my shoulder. the blend of the slow hum of my car along with rich melodies of sigur ros tames even the most savage of sweet girls. with every bump we hit on the way home her hair slides and settles over her face a little more. she told me when she was a kid she used to chew on her hair in her sleep, 'it was just an unconcious tick i guess,' she would say. just to be safe i would brush her hair back to where her mouth could no longer unconsiously nibble. and as i pulled my hand away my finger tips would sweep across her soft cheek, and i would wonder to myself if her lips were also as delicate.

i would then remember that 'i have promises to keep, and miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep.' i would rub my tired eyes and gently laugh at myself for quoting robert frost in my inner dialogue that no one but myself could hear anyway. i would sit up in my seat, start the cd over again, and prepare the for the long journey home; all the way being warmed and comforted by her sincere beauty as she peacefully dreamt next to me.

yeah. yeah, i think that's what i would do tonight.

gentlemen, a word to the wise, she is your best piece of poetry, treat her as such.


Blogger slackerflacker said...

again, your last sentence...perfect

5:18 PM  
Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

thanks em. the only problem with this whole post is that it never happened... and sometimes i think it never will.

2:57 PM  
Blogger SweetKali said...

oh mi goodenss aren't you a WONDERFUL writer!! that last sentence...can I HAVE it???? Sweetkali

4:04 PM  

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